Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Female SA Woma python basking after her pre-lay
slough. Eggs are expected in about a months time
and hatchlings will be available for sale early in the
new year. They will be affordable so that everyone
who wants a woma can buy one.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The last Axanthic het female
laid a big clutch of 16 eggs today.
This is the last bhp clutch this
year, now the waiting starts until
the eggs hatch in December.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The above female black headed
is the last to lay for this season.
This is a much anticipated clutch
as she carries both the Axanthic
and the Calico gene.

Black headed female 11.3 has laid a perfect clutch of eggs, the attached photos show the process
of removing the eggs carefully from the female after the last egg has been laid so as not to disturb the female. Eggs are aired for about an hour on the bench to harden them up prior
to numbering with a pencil and then going into artificial incubation.