Well its time to update the blog, I haven't posted anything for a while because we have been traveling around the country. During May we spent a couple of days in Hobart enjoying Tasmanian hospitality and seeing the sights. In June we visited Cairns and Cooktown in Queensland as well as traveling inland to the small township of Chillagoe, one of my favourite places. At the end of the month we flew to Perth and back to catch up with old friends and buy some nice cabinet making wood for future projects. We missed out on the Zoo but went to the Armidale Reptile Centre and saw lots of WA endemics not easily seen anywhere else. So we have been busy getting out and about as well as with the animals on the farm.
During this time we have also become Grandparents!.
Cathy is still working on the Knob tailed geckos, and although the number has greatly decreased the quality of the animals she is breeding has increased accordingly. My Black headed and Children"s colonies have increased steadily over the last couple of years due to my not putting many up for sale, this year should see some of my best pairings reproduce and I'm looking forward to the results of multiple genetic traits brought together for the first time.
I've included some photos of our recent trips and also a couple of tantalising images of black headed pairings that I hope will work this year. There should be some babies for sale if all goes well- so watch this space, as well as our upcoming website, details later.
Axanthic male black headed python with a female calico form |
Below are a couple of photos of Tasmania
Huon River in Southeast Tasmania |
Tarkine Airwalk in the Huon Valley |
View from the Airwalk |